Help us create something beautiful.
JESSA is a vocal ensemble for sopranos and altos, and we welcome membership enquiries!
Our singers are experienced musicians with a strong dedication to the group. Our rehearsals are rigorous, fast-paced, and fun. We take our craft seriously and love singing challenging and varied repertoire.
If this sounds like you, we warmly invite you to consider joining our ensemble.
We are not currently auditioning, but we still welcome you to get in touch and express interest.
Get in touch.
Contact Jane to hear more about JESSA and express your interest.
Visit a rehearsal.
Attend a rehearsal to see if the repertoire and approach are for you.
Book in a time to make sure your voice type and experience are a good fit.
Sign up to our team of dedicated musicians, attending all rehearsals and performances.
‘There’s a great sense of love and community within JESSA. I’ve never actually worked with a group that are so open-hearted - they’re incredibly good people.’
What kind of music do you sing?
We sing mainly modern classical repertoire by composers from around the world. Many pieces are in English, but we’ve covered works in languages ranging from French to Swedish.
When are rehearsals?
Our rehearsals are every Tuesday from 5:30 sharp to 7:30pm. We sometimes have sectionals to support in-depth learning of the repertoire.
How do rehearsals work?
Rehearsals start promptly at 5:30pm, with minimal warm-up. Musical Director Jane Edwards runs the rehearsals, with Sarah Chick at the piano. Choristers are expected to be prepared and organised. Sheet music is provided. We’re encouraged to practice JESSA repertoire independently outside rehearsal times, and Jane provides study resources for this purpose, uploading rehearsal tracks to our members’ group. If someone misses a rehearsal, we help each other catch up without impacting the group. Section leads are also there to support.
Do I need to be able to read music and sight sing?
You should be able to read music and have decent working knowledge of music theory. Sight singing skills are an advantage, and the more choristers who can, the better! Rehearsals are fast-paced, with little note bashing, so early on we read new repertoire together. We acknowledge varying levels of skills in this area, and encourage those who are less confident to grow via a supportive network of fellow singers, learning via imitation and strong listening skills.
Where can I get more help?
Jane can recommend singing teachers if you require vocal lessons.
There are many online resources available to help you upskill. Apps for learning and practicing music theory include Tenuto and the Melody Cat series. For more in-depth instruction, the Choir of the Earth’s Singers’ Toolkit 1 and Singers’ Toolkit 2 teach music theory and sight singing especially for choral singing. Mark O’Leary’s online educational programme Sight Singing School is also a wonderful resource for singers.
How often do you perform?
We usually have a performance every 10-12 weeks, depending on the time of year. Choristers are asked their availability prior to each performance. Once we sign up for a performance, we commit to it. As well as running our own annual concert series, we appear for other organisations.
Is JESSA only for women singers?
No! JESSA welcomes all singers in the soprano and alto voice ranges, and we currently have male choristers.
Is there a fee?
There is a modest annual subscription fee. Details of fees can be shared at the time of membership enquiry.
What about Covid-19 and other illnesses?
We’re hard-working and committed, but we also look after each other. Choristers are not expected to attend rehearsal if they are unwell. Study resources are provided, and we help each other to catch up by sharing score markings and other information. We immerse ourselves in the repertoire, so we can each hold our own, and the show can go on if anyone is unable to perform.